Advanced WordPress Image Settings

WordPress includes many options that may not be found by the casual user. In this post I will explain some of the options available when inserting images into a blog post. Image Details To uncover more options available for an existing image in a WordPress post you can click on the image and then select the edit icon (looks like a pencil) from the menu that appears. After you click the edit icon the Image Details page (as shown below) will be displayed for the image you clicked on to edit....

February 8, 2016

Add Google AdSense to Genesis Framework Theme

If you would like to add Google AdSense advertisements to your genesis framework theme, here is the method I use. These instructions assume your genesis child theme is using html5. If you are not using an html5 child theme, the code below will need to be modified slightly. 1. Add the following 2 code sections to your genesis child theme functions.php Register 2 new widget areas [sourcecode language=“php”]genesis_register_sidebar( array( ‘id’ => ‘wpselect_before_post_content’, ’name’ => __( ‘Before Post Content’, ‘genesis’ ), ‘description’ => __( ‘Displays on single posts before post content....

August 24, 2013