Star Schema Dimensional Model

Dimension Table: 7 Best Practices

A dimension table is one of the 2 primary building blocks of a dimensional data model. The other primary type of table is the fact table. This post will describe 7 best practices for designing a dimension table. What is the purpose of a Dimension Table A dimension table is the primary way to filter and group results from a fact table. A fact table is almost useless by itself, as you need to give some descriptive attributes to provide context to the data....

May 6, 2014

Ubuntu Virtual Machine: How to Install Ubuntu on VirtualBox

I moved my WordPress blog to a VPS from DigitalOcean and I wanted to have a local version of my VPS for testing. This guide will teach you how to install an Ubuntu server as a virtual machine using VirtualBox on a mac. To prepare you will need to download 2 files: The VirtualBox virtual machine software for your operating system The Ubuntu server install image For this tutorial I will be using VirtualBox on a Mac and installing Ubuntu Server 14....

May 1, 2014

Add Google AdSense to Genesis Framework Theme

If you would like to add Google AdSense advertisements to your genesis framework theme, here is the method I use. These instructions assume your genesis child theme is using html5. If you are not using an html5 child theme, the code below will need to be modified slightly. 1. Add the following 2 code sections to your genesis child theme functions.php Register 2 new widget areas [sourcecode language=“php”]genesis_register_sidebar( array( ‘id’ => ‘wpselect_before_post_content’, ’name’ => __( ‘Before Post Content’, ‘genesis’ ), ‘description’ => __( ‘Displays on single posts before post content....

August 24, 2013

The Challenge of Dashboard BI Projects

If the goal of your business intelligence project is to deliver a dashboard, you should have warning bells going off in your head. What is a Dashboard An easy to read graphical presentation of the current status and historical trends of an organization’s key performance indicators (KPIs) to enable instantaneous and informed decisions to be made at a glance. Business Processes and KPIs The key performance indicators (KPIs) of your dashboard will result from multiple business processes....

February 12, 2013

Add Google Custom Search to Genesis Framework Theme

If you would like to replace the default WordPress search with Google custom search here is the method I use. This implementation of Google custom search is reliant on using the Genesis Framework. 1. Create a Google custom search engine Go to and create a custom search engine for your site. Make sure that the look and feel layout setting is set to Results only as shown in the image below....

January 15, 2013